Lizzie’s Hospital Confessionals: Episode 6

This next installment has been a common question people have been asking me regarding Lizzie’s stay in the hospital. Enjoy. So, the food post… When I checked in and they asked about dietary restrictions, they sure got a surprise. Vegetarians are few and far between in Slovakia, and I’m not sure they’ve ever even heard  read more

Lizzie’s Hospital Confessionals: Episode 5

I plan to bring my camera to the hospital to hopefully document some of this experience in a visual form. The motto in much of Slovakia is to make due with what you have. I wouldn’t, however, say that they are grateful in that regard. That said, I think the vast majority of you will be pretty  read more

Lizzie’s Hospital Confessionals: Episode 4

I have good news, Lizzie is doing well. She is positive and appears to be trying to make the most of her situation. Expectedly, she is beginning to miss home and her “baby kitty” as she likes to refer to him. Your letters do a lot in keeping her attitude positive so remember to send any thoughts  read more

Lizzie’s Hospital Confessionals: Episode 3

Every time I visit Lizzie is seems like she has a plethora of stories to tell me about. I don’t know if it’s because she is pretty bored there and has no one to talk to or if hospital life really is that drastically different then normal life. I suppose that is why there are  read more

Lizzie’s Hospital Confessionals: Episode 2

During my visit with Lizzie today I received another letter to pass on to you. She is doing better but boy has all this created a few stories to tell. You can continue the saga below. Alright, well, Slavo took me to the regular emergency room downtown, only to be turned away to the dreaded Roosevelta Nemocnica.  read more

Lizzie’s Hospital Confessionals: Episode 1

I have been tasked with sharing this letter to our friends and family. Please read below: I’m writing to you on this fourth day of February to officially say that my New Years Resolution of staying healthy has gone awry. I ran my little heart out from January 1st through 12th, well on my way  read more