2010 in Review + New Year’s Resolutions

Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of making New Year’s resolutions and you know what? I think I might actually do it. Before I let you in on my goals, lets recap what’s happened over the last year. The most exciting place to start is in our traveling. Here’s a recap (in photos, because  read more

Christmas Day

Our Christmas started late, embarrassingly late, so late that we had to really focus on being ready for the Christmas party at 2pm. Bones and I went for a quick run and then I immediately started preparing our two bring-along dishes. The first dish was “typical me”- a buckwheat, tomato, onion and avocado salad. Burke  read more

Slovak Christmas

Wahoo- it’s finally Christmas!  I just finished my last private English lesson (which Burke came along for since he had NO excuse not to) and now I am officially free. By the way, here we are.  I picked out this nice melon-colored shirt for Burke, coincidentally I also happened to buy a sweater the exact  read more

And then they were gone…

Over a month ago, I wrote out the entire blog for my parents’ visit, but I’ve been waiting for pictures for so long I’m just not going to wait anymore.  And for that, I’ve decided to also rewrite this post into a super abridged version and get on with it.  So here goes. The last  read more

Parents’ Visit: Slovakia

After about four hours of driving out of Romania, we arrived in Kosice, the second biggest city in Slovakia.  It is a beautiful city with a huge downtown and a beautiful church right in the center.  The church also has a little brother church next to it.  Once while Burke was staggering along taking photos  read more

Parents’ Visit: Romania

Burke and I had Friday, Monday and Tuesday off from school, so of course as the travel planner I made sure we went to a country I’d never been to before: Romania.  On the agenda was Timisoara and a quick stop in Oradea.  Burke and I know an adorable Romanian family living here, and they  read more