The wood anniversary

For our 5 year anniversary, Burke and I got go to a nearby island to celebrate. We were able to see all the main sights of the island and catch some great views along the way. read more
For our 5 year anniversary, Burke and I got go to a nearby island to celebrate. We were able to see all the main sights of the island and catch some great views along the way. read more
A lot has happened since we last saw you! Before we left for Thailand, our lives were going full-speed ahead, and to tell you the truth, things haven’t really slowed down since. read more
Well, I’ve been in Thailand long enough now that I am able to poke some fun at the silly things people in this country do. Don’t get me wrong, the US isn’t better for not observing these norms, but I often get a kick out of discovering what, how and why Thai people think the way they do. read more
A few weeks ago I had the chance to go to lunch with Burke’s Thai class. When talking with some of the girls, one of them told me, “We all think Burke loves you so much. We really admire you.” I know I am blessed, here’s why… read more
Burke and I just began a new month of school, and we are loving our teachers, classmates and opportunities to share some love while learning more of the Thai language. It’s always a little nerve-wracking out of the gate, but so far things are going swimmingly. read more
When my teacher told me she thought I could handle taking two Thai classes at once, I immediately and eagerly signed up. My teacher had told me she thought my speaking was strong enough, that I could handle it, and, as long as I had time, she thought it was a good idea. The results were not too pretty. read more