The Hill Outside My Apartment

I have said it before, but it really is true: Slovakia is very beautiful. I have enjoyed all of my previous homes to be honest. My four years spent in downtown San Jose during college were great. The urban feel was exciting, compact, and, well, dirty. My one year in Palo Alto was a refreshing change.  read more

Cute Old Ladies

On an early morning walk through the downtown market one morning I saw these cute old ladies selling flowers. It was the image of water drops from the morning mist that formed on their transparent hair covers that I wish I could share with everybody wondering what Banská Bystrica is like. There is something vastly  read more

Tight Parking

With a high total population, a relatively small land mass, and space for farm land at such a premium in Europe its easy to see why there are such high population densities here. Add to the fact that cities here are built on rather old infrastructures that were later updated to suit modern needs and  read more

Banská Bystrica

When we first got here one of the questions we were asked all the time from you all (our family and friends back home) was what is Banská Bystrica like. We told you the normal stuff like, there is a mall, we live five minutes walk from the downtown square, and that the weather is  read more