Final Thoughts and Wishes

Friday was our last day of work at Narnia before Christmas break. I love Fridays because I go to lunch with the youngest kids, especially now that the girls of the class and I have finally begun to see eye to eye on the sitting arrangement. Previously, any given girl would point to herself, two  read more

The Last Month or so

Well, I know it has been close to forever since we’ve blogged (especially since Burke informed me it was Blog awareness month), but, believe it or not, I still feel like I don’t have much to say. Regardless, here I go. We celebrated Thanksgiving with the YWAM group in town and had an amazing time.  read more

The First Thanksgiving

Burke and I are off right now to a Thanksgiving dinner!  We will be eating with 26 other people of different nationalities all in Banska Bystrica (They are all connected to YWAM).  We are very very blessed to be able to spend our evening with such a wonderful and Godly group of people. Over the  read more


Happy Thanksgiving!  Today is some sort of Slovak Thanksgiving and we celebrated with a luncheon and an extra church service.  There were several testimonies and people sharing what they were thankful for and how God has made them appreciative.  During the service Burke and I were especially thankful for our translator.  I can’t remember her  read more

A Short Hike During School

This was written a few weeks ago when the weather was a bit nicer and when I wasn’t sick at the time. I thought it was a story worth sharing still and we could probably use some lighter news then that of our health so enjoy. One of the nice things about Bystrica is that  read more

It’s real cute

Working with first graders, I find that during our free time in the afternoon one of the activities that I we mutually favor is coloring.  I usually draw pictures of my kitten, and they usually draw pictures of me.  Then they give them to me.  Even if I’m not in the picture.  I end many  read more