RIP Plant
It appears he did not overcome his last bout of illness like Burke and I have. read more
It appears he did not overcome his last bout of illness like Burke and I have. read more
At Zaklanda škola Narnia, the first part of school focuses on nature and the big activity at the end of the unit was going to a forest, cleaning up any litter, and earning a small treasure for the kids’ good deeds. It was a pretty rainy day, so instead we walked to some areas nearby read more
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is some sort of Slovak Thanksgiving and we celebrated with a luncheon and an extra church service. There were several testimonies and people sharing what they were thankful for and how God has made them appreciative. During the service Burke and I were especially thankful for our translator. I can’t remember her read more
Tuesday was my first day of Pát Boi, loosely translates as “five fight” but really is something much more. It’s a sort of P.E. class where kids get to practice five different sports over the course of the school year. Personally I think it’s the coolest class I’ve ever seen. Kids get to swim, skate, read more
This was written a few weeks ago when the weather was a bit nicer and when I wasn’t sick at the time. I thought it was a story worth sharing still and we could probably use some lighter news then that of our health so enjoy. One of the nice things about Bystrica is that read more
Working with first graders, I find that during our free time in the afternoon one of the activities that I we mutually favor is coloring. I usually draw pictures of my kitten, and they usually draw pictures of me. Then they give them to me. Even if I’m not in the picture. I end many read more