Tuesday was my first day of Pát Boi, loosely translates as “five fight” but really is something much more. It’s a sort of P.E. class where kids get to practice five different sports over the course of the school year. Personally I think it’s the coolest class I’ve ever seen. Kids get to swim, skate, ski, horseback ride, and shoot archery all for free (well, the cheap cost of tuition to Zaklanda škola Narnia). So today was swimming and while I had sworn off the idea of getting in a pool with 45 ravenous kids it looked like to much fun to pass up next time. I think my favorite part was just being inside the swimming facilities. They have an Olympic sized open air pool that they have covered with a very cool looking inflatable roof. It has the pattern of a soccer ball and is held up by the hot air pressure inside. When the light shined through it it looked especially cool. Anywho, there is really not much to report here. Pát Boi is cool and the pool is pretty sweet.

The pool in Banská Bystrica.