Our Health Pt. 2

We have a couple of updates from the last post about our well-being.  First, the doctor said we may have malaria.  Everyone kind of laughed at this thought because we haven’t been anywhere that would make that possible, but all the doctors we have seen said our symptoms match malaria.   Interesting. Second, we actually were well  read more

Základná Škola Narnia aka What We Do

Well, we’ve been in Slovakia for two months now and you probably wonder what exactly we’re doing here.  I’m going to tell you.  We’ve been working at Základná Škola Narnia, or Narnia Elementary School, the school that brought us to Slovakia.  It is partnered with the Cirkev Bratská church in Banská Bystrica so Martina our  read more

The Ills of Socialized Health Care

You may have caught wind of this, but Burke and I have been sick.  Not just cold-sick, not just sick for a few days, but sick every weekend for the last month.  Morale has been low; prayers are appreciated.  On this fourth weekend of being sick, we agreed that it would be best to go  read more


Well here is exciting news. You may know that Wednesday was my birthday. And as our first married birthday and my golden birthday (23 on the 23rd) Burke felt the pressure to make it special. I tried giving him a few ideas but he came up with a superior idea on his own. Perhaps even  read more

Fourth Grade Economics and The Joys of Teachng

Let me start by clarifying something, I never wanted to be a teacher and when I left college that wasn’t really my plan either. I do, however, try to live a life that is in-tune to the Holy Spirit. So when I felt like God wanted me in Slovakia I knew my intended career path  read more

The Hill Outside My Apartment

I have said it before, but it really is true: Slovakia is very beautiful. I have enjoyed all of my previous homes to be honest. My four years spent in downtown San Jose during college were great. The urban feel was exciting, compact, and, well, dirty. My one year in Palo Alto was a refreshing change.  read more