Search Results for: sick

Halfway to Baby

Being halfway to baby (20 weeks!) seems like the perfect time to share the photos I’ve coerced Burke into taking each week. I’ll be the first to admit, this line up of pictures leaves much to be desired. I really thought by now my belly would pop out! Really now Baby, it’s time to start giving me some credit and proving you exist.  read more

Baby’s Gender: You’re guess is as good as mine

As we’re approaching that exciting appointment wherein we get to discover baby’s gender, I thought I’d go through some of the typical gender predictions and see which ones come true. Anyone down the line, if the test is accurate, I’d say it’s a safe bet to trust it when you’re pregnant! ;)  read more

On Tuesdays we wear pink

Well, I’ve been in Thailand long enough now that I am able to poke some fun at the silly things people in this country do. Don’t get me wrong, the US isn’t better for not observing these norms, but I often get a kick out of discovering what, how and why Thai people think the way they do.  read more

Thai class, take four

Burke and I just began a new month of school, and we are loving our teachers, classmates and opportunities to share some love while learning more of the Thai language. It’s always a little nerve-wracking out of the gate, but so far things are going swimmingly.  read more

We’re here!

Well, good news: not only did we arrive in Thailand safe and sound, but we survived our first day! We spent the day getting settled, going through a quick orientation and hanging out with the staff and LWC team. I’ll write more later about what we’ve seen so far, but for now here are a few things I’m loving…  read more

A New Beginning

I’ve been trying to chisel out some time to write a blog post, but somehow that hasn’t happened for what has turned into months.  I came across a surplus of time this morning by accident, thinking church started an hour earlier than it does.  Lucky for us both, I have time to tell you what  read more