I’ve had a little list going lately of what I want to tell you all.  The trouble is, my lists are always coded and eventually misplaced.  So when I finally compile my lists and sit down to write a post, I only remember what half of my chicken scratch abbreviations actually meant.  Regardless, here goes.

I’ve been doctor-approved to wear my contacts again!  I finally got the go ahead two or three weeks ago and have been crazy diligent with eye care and not over wearing them since then.  Hallelujah.

Speaking of praising God, for lent this year I’ve decided to be more purposeful in making time for God in my life.  Usually it’s the very first thing I do when I wake up, if not then soon after.  I’ve been reading through this guide and putting the things I’ve learned in Hearing God’s Voice to good use.  In addition to that, I made a commitment to not ignore homeless people.  I don’t want to be someone who just walks by.  Most commonly, I encounter one man who sits outside of the grocery store closest to our apartment and he happily accepts the banana that I offer him every time.

Good news, people.   Remember my New Year’s Resolution post?  I accomplished one of them!  Not only did I make my way through March cystless, but doing so allowed me to run 100+ miles!  I mentioned that if I wasn’t sick, it wouldn’t actually be that much of a challenge; so the most impressive part of my 109 miles is that it stretched over only 15 days of the month (about every other day) rather than 30.  The only downside to running more is my new BLUE toenail.  I have a new goal but I’m not ready to publicize it yet- maybe you’ll hear about it in the next post.

Everything else I’ve got for you is about school.  I don’t usually write about school, but I seriously love those kids so much.  This last week we’ve been going swimming, and the walk/activity allows me to spend a lot of quality time with some of my very favorite students.  During the walks I’ve taught them two songs: Jesus Loves Me  and Father Abraham.  Yesterday for fun I also taught them the high five- Up high, Down low, Too slow! Did they ever love that.

The next thing only my American readers will enjoy.  At the pool we go to, there is a wet sauna.  It is required for all of the kids go in for 7 or 8 minutes, and when they’re out, they have to rinse in the cold-water shower.  Maybe this is only funny to me since I used to be a swimming instructor/coach or maybe it is funny because I went it last weekend and didn’t exactly enjoy it.  I just can’t imagine 6 and 7 year olds having to spend so much time in there.

Last year I’m not sure we were at school on April Fools’ Day, but I don’t remember anyone mentioning it so I just brushed it off as an American idea.  This year, after the 15 minute walk to the pool, one of the girls told me she didn’t have her swimming suit (she actually happened to forget it the day before), so as I prepared to ask the other girl she borrowed one from previously, she laughed hysterically and shouted “Prvý Apríl”  (Prrrrrrrrvie ahpreel aka First April aka April Fools).  It was pretty cute.

I think I’ll stop there.  I could certainly go on, but I know my long posts without pictures are not the favorites (Burke advised I opt out of posting a photo of my blue toenail).  We’ll have news for you in the next post or two so check back soon:)