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A view of the High Tatras from Chopok (second highest peak in the Low Tatras). After this I wend down the North East face of Chopok pictured to the right. It was epic. :) My second run of the day. This is the North West face of Chopok. This is take about a third of the way down.
My second run down Chopok. For scale, there are two people standing just up and to the left of the center of this picture. See the tag if you have a hard time spotting the red dots.
A close up of my path down the North West slope of Chopok. Check the tag for details A view of the High Tatras and the remaining two thirds of my second run down Chopok.  
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Description: Photos from my snowboarding trip at Chopok. Chopok is the second highest peak in the Low Tatras.
Location: Slovakia