Ronald McDonald

I was wondering through the mall last Sunday on my way to the grocery when I saw this. Clowns are great and all but there was something about this one that just didn’t sit right. Maybe he was to skinny. Maybe he was to tall. Maybe he was just to Slovak looking for a clown  read more

A Long Day Made Ok

Sometimes, even on a bad day, the look of joy found in an innocent child makes things feel a bit better. Today was a long day. One of those days you dreaded before it came and trudged through when it arrived. With about 45 minutes left, in my not so great day, I found this  read more

Vacation from Honeymoon part II: Montenegro

Towards the end of our honeymoon, Burke and I went on a trip to Montenegro.  It began as our driver raced his way down the coast until we took a much needed break from the winding roads. We stopped with a perfect view of the Bay of Kotor, the southern most Fjord in Europe (although  read more

A Vacation from our Honeymoon

If you had asked me during my stint studying abroad what my favorite thing about France was, I would have told you that it was being able to travel to other countries while I was there.  So of course, while we were in Croatia I made sure we took advantage of the opportunity to do  read more

Slovakia Is Beautiful

This past weekend was spent traveling around Slovakia a bit. One of the things I enjoy about Slovakia is that whenever we leave the city we are treated to beautiful country side and awesome mountains. On this trip we traveled to eastern Slovakia to visit our host family’s parents. On the way we passed the  read more

Wedding Photos!

Well it took awhile but here they are. All photo credit goes to one of the best photographers I know Shaun Yasaki. As with all of his work, our photos where amazing and his service was exemplary. I will keep this short as the photos truly speak for themselves. Check them out and enjoy.  read more