No, Slovakia hasn’t eaten us alive…
Things are changing, things are changing. Not only has Burke redesigned our website (do you like it?), but we are introducing a new page to our blog. The YWAM page. It isn’t currently, but very soon it will be password protected. We’ll tell you why on that page, but please, please, please leave a comment or email me at lizzie [at] burkeandlizzie [dot] com if you’d like to access that page. I’ll be writing a lot of content for said page– I even intend to write a few posts this weekend– to share what we are learning and experiencing in our school. I’m going to continue to update this regular page too, but it will include mostly travel photos and stories.
For now, I’d like to update you on who we are with!

Students and staff of our school
Although we don’t look it, we are quite a diverse group. The students are:
- 4 Americans
- 2 Canadians
- 3 Slovaks
- 1 Hollander
The rest of the people in the photo are our amazing staff, they include:
- 3 Czechs (including that little baby in the front!)
- 1 American
- 1 Canadian
- 1 Hollander
Sounds fun, right? It is. It’s also crazy to think that we have been here for three weeks already. It definitely feels like every day is a week, but yet, all of those day-weeks are adding up so quickly. To quote an artist I once loved,
“How time can move both fast and slow amazes me.”
Too true. During these first three weeks and next week, I have been on the cooking staff for my work duty. So I am planning and preparing meals with one other person, a Slovak, nonetheless. His cooking experience is limited to pasta, so I generally take the lead on the menu, resulting in a lot of “foreign” food.
One meal in particular was chili and cornbread. I’ll give you the rundown on how it went from there…
Janko: Lizzie, what we gonna have for dinner? (insert animated hand movements)
Me: Chili and cornbread, remember?
Janko: How can we make that? (more hand movements, demonstrating the shape of a banana pepper-shaped chili)
Me: Nooo, chili doesn’t mean chili pepper. Chili is a meal we have in America. Kind of like a soup… like a gulaš, really. It’s Mexicky gulaš (Mexican goulash).
Janko: Okay, so we have peppers, potatoes…. what else?
Me: No, we aren’t putting potatoes in the chili.
Janko: No potatoes?
Me: Nope, no potatoes.
Janko: (face drops, stops all hand movements) Then this is not gulaš.
I live for conversations like these! Cultural divides can be so entertaining.
In other news, I am 25 now. With 8 days of the year under my belt, I’ve got to say it seems like it will be a good one. I managed to get in all 100 of my miles during the month of September and I’ve already put 80 miles on my new Nike Frees (thanks again to Lisa!).

Birthday Bench!
Oddly enough, this young man also sitting on the bench with me also had his birthday on the 23rd. What’s really crazy, though, is that he is from Fresno, CA (Burke’s hometown).
Don’t forget to tell me if you are interested in our YWAM page! I really want to share the amazing things we are doing and going to do! Lots of Love from Slovakia!
I really enjoy reading this! I hope you have a great time at DTS, I know I had! I’d also like to be able to read the posts on your YWAM page
Again, enjoy everything that God is doing there! Bless you! Greetings from Holland, Marjolein
Judy McLaughlin (Aunt Judy):
Nice Website! Good work. I really enjoy hearing about your adventures and look forward to hearing more and learning more about YWAM.
Joan Falknor:
I remember when I was traveling in Africa with Tommy. We met a Norweigan guy who told us, :I speak all languages; it’s just that my arms get tired!”
Doug Falknor:
Lizzie & Burke and friends,
I think you have a knack for making it a good time everywhere you go. We started missing you as soon as you two left Ohio early this summer. Those few weeks flew by.
We still think your cat, Nici (nee-chee), was switched in flight from Slovakia. This guy you left here is sweet! (Long haired yellow cat somewhere in the photos) That cat we met in Slovakia was a terror. Scratching at things all night long, racing around the apartment when everyone was in bed. This guy seems to be loving it here. He doesn’t bug the other cats and dogs, just curious about them. Cats seem to honor each other’s space, so Nici is surprised when a dog walking in his direction runs right into him.
And Nici loves it out doors. If you have eyes as keen as a cat, there’s a lot to see here around the lake. He naps inside a lot (he’s a cat), but when he’s awake he’s outside. It has to rain heavily before he’ll come in out of it–thoroughly drenched. Typically, he has a bunch of burrs (cockle burrs, natural velcrow) in his tail and everywhere. You can’t mess with his tail or he’ll give you a little ‘corrective” bite, but he doesn’t mind if you can get the burrs off his back.
Well, that’s you visit with you baby kitty.
Your Mom & I hope to come for a visit this time, too.