The Last Battle
Actually there’s no battle, no fight of any kind really. This post is titled The Last Battle, because that is the name of the final book in CS Lewis’s Narnia series. It brings the stories of Narnia to an end, just like our time at Zš Narnia is coming to an end.
We’ve had so much fun there; in fact, one second grader made my day yesterday. Right before starting class, there was a group of boys in the class rough-housing as usual and I heard from across the room a little girl’s voice saying “Oh my goodness!” I looked at her and she gave me the biggest smile. It’s nice to know that they learn not only the English that I teach them, but they also learn from speaking with and being around me.
In other news, Burke turned 25 a few weeks ago. We had an 80’s themed party for him since he was born in the heart of the eighties. One of his birthday presents from our friends was a trip to Slovensky Raj (Slovak Paradise). We just went on Sunday and had a great time! We were happy to finally go to the elusive park because we had heard of it when we first got here and aptly named a hidden section of the city full of forgotten fruit trees American Paradise in homage.

B+L at Slovensky Raj
Over the course of the last month or so, we’ve had four successful cookie fundraisers at church. We still have a long way to go before we are even close to our goal, but we know God will provide! We have also recently entered into the very first stages of packing. More importantly (and time consuming, at least thus far) is the job search process, which we are knee deep in. If you have any suggestions for Bay Area jobs this summer, I’ll take them!
That’s all for now. Check back soon!
Joan Falknor:
we are very anxious for your return even though it’s for just a short visit. we will try to pack in as many activities as we can to keep you entertained unless you want to just chill out and boat and bike and swim here. the unofficial date for the party is Saturday June 18 and the menu is undetermined so far.