Our first day of work at Zaklanda škola Narnia has come and gone (8.17.09) but we thought we would fill you in on some of its details. It was a long day of moving, cleaning, and painting. There aren’t any kids at school until the first week of September. As for now its all prep work and planning.

I have, of course, volunteered my design and tech services. One might think this was to avoid more manual labor and that would be quite correct. As a result I have been enlisted to make some custom stamp designs for the children’s “point books” (a sort of grading/reward system they use). In the long term picture I was also asked to redo their website which I of course agreed to. I am, however, only one of three full time male teachers in the building and as such I still manage to do a lot of helping people move heavy items. It is possible that my plan back fired of me but to be honest I’m pretty ok with how things have been going.

Below is a picture of us in front of the Narnia lamp, a decorative piece that children see before entering school through a large wooden door with a lion head door knocker (Aslan). It’s all rather cute. That is all for now. We love and miss all of you.