Monkey Attack!

Before I can tell you about the monkey attack, let’s rewind quickly about twelve hours. Leaving the Taj Mahal, camera still in hand, I was ready snap photos of the monkeys and goats along the sidewalk.  I squatted down to take one monkey’s photo who was hanging out on a bench, and he immediately went  read more

A Day in India

Of course I am writing this post now that we’ve left our first location.  So all of the photos are from our first home in India. We had a drab little room, which we were very grateful for, included in it was even a bathroom with a western style toilet!  Yahoo!  Here is our bathroom.   read more

Encounters with Indians

Due to our schedule, we are often doing new things every day.  While it is an amazing and exhausting way to spend our time here, it is not as good for building relationships.  So I want to tell you a little about some of the people I’ve met, and what seems to be the recurring  read more

2011: A Year in Review

This will be a hard post to write with no internet- I’m not able to reference last year’s post at all.  I can’t even say offhand what most of my New Year’s Resolutions were, but I do know I didn’t accomplish them all. Let’s start with a recap of what we did do! We went  read more

Animals Galore!

As I thought might happen, this post will be a scattering of observations and experiences; so as usual, if you want more in-depth stories of what we are doing here, please visit the other section of our website. I’ve learned 4 phrases in Hindi! I can say Thank you, My name is…, I am from…,  read more


Please excuse the scattered-mindedness of this post- I’m typing it out on a borrowed office workspace computer, but I wanted to share a few of my first impressions before I get used to my surroundings (I’m not sure if that will happen, but maybe?) We arrived in the evening last night and drove in a  read more