
When we left off, a Finnish man had just invited us to stay in his home for the night. Guess what, we agreed. We knew there were some risks involved, but we told ourselves that we could always leave if we weren’t comfortable; ultimately, it was the promise of my first real shower in almost  read more

Baltic Cycle Tour 2010: Sweden

So, we’re back! We successfully cycled through six countries over the last 26 days with few difficulties, no accidents and big smiles.  I’m beginning this series of posts with the start of our trip: Sweden. We arrived in Nyköping, with our completely disassembled bicycles and seven of our eight bags. As we (Burke) reassembled our  read more

End of school, beginning of summer

Well, we’re leaving for our summer holiday tomorrow morning. I guess I am long overdue for updating you on our lives. School finally finished on June 31st. The last week the kids went swimming in the mornings and had really relaxing afternoons. It made for some very slow days for us. Then we spent the  read more

New Apartment

Well, we had our first night last night in our new apartment. It was surprisingly pleasant considering the circumstances. The only furniture we have is our bed, so our sleep was nice despite the lack of curtains and the overlooking apartments. We also had an enjoyable picnic dinner on our floor utilizing our microwave and  read more

No Means Yes

This post may look long, but its not, and there’s a surprise in it if you read all the way to the end:) It may be spring in your part of the world but we are actually still waiting on it here.  Maybe it’s that pesky volcano, but we have experienced a month long span  read more

Easter Trip to Macedonia+Greece

Христос воскресе aka Christ has risen, or Happy Easter! in Macedonian. Our most recent trip was the most spontaneous of all of our trips so far. We finished school on the Wednesday before Easter, bought our train tickets that night, and were on the train the next morning at 5am. We slept some, played some  read more