…and Back

If you havent read my last post about Israel and how we got there, you should start there before continuing. If you have, you know that where we left off, Burke and I were stuck at the Israeli Jordanian border without enough sheckels or dinar to get our visas. Remember the people I said we  read more

To the Middle East…

The beginning of our trip is chronicled in my first post titled, The Transpirations of International Bus Routes. Once your finished reading this you can read the conclusion of our travels in my post …and Back. If you haven’t read that first you will find it worth your extra time. We stayed the night in Zurich, attempting  read more

The Transpirations of International Bus Routes

You are about to read about the undisputed best vacation ever, at least the first post in a three or four part series. Planning for our excursion to Israel and Jordan began months ago and was very different than the way I am used to organizing things. I like to make all reservations ahead of  read more


Everywhere you look in Slovakia you can see things that are leftover from communism. The most obvious being the concrete block apartment buildings (we live in one) or the fact that every employer is required to pay at least a certain amount towards its employees’ lunch. My winter favorite though is not so much a  read more


As promised, here is the second blog with photos from John and Lisa’s visit during Christmas, a few techinical difficulties hindered its punctual publishing. After our visit to Poland and downtown BB, we continued to venture around the area both in Slovakia and its neighboring countries. I’ve included some of the photos from the trip  read more

A Whole New Country

Merry Christmas! Burke’s parents arrived safely on time on Christmas Eve. We immediately brought them back to Banska Bystrica had dinner and decorated the Christmas tree. We wrapped our Christmas presents, went to sleep, and awoke to a beautiful green and brown Christmas (the snow went from beautiful, to slush, to nonexistent on Christmas Eve).  read more